Yet, just four hours before our Wednesday “Building Lasting Relations” class was to begin - we were in a bit of a panic.
We knew many of the students had gone home for the summer. We knew only 4 students, all female, had signed up for the Wednesday night class. BUT the reality of going through our summer with such small numbers in our classes was just now sinking in.
Of course, we know that every soul is precious - so four souls are fantastic! But “how” we wanted to approach the teaching of the class was highly dependant on having both males and females in the class to participate. AND there is something to be said about having at least a dozen students to ensure good and lively discussion. We knew those kind of numbers would be a tall order to fill in summer. But we had four hours left, , ,
SO we decided to throw all caution to the wind and LAUNCHED a summer institute enrollment extravaganza.
The first thing we did was have Mike climb up some brick chimneys, in the middle of red-square on campus, and raise a “small” banner:
AND believe it our not, Mike didn’t even fall once.

Actually, what we did was this. With only a few hours remaining before the class began, we earnestly prayed and felt inspired to “text” two of the students who earlier had expressed an interest in taking the class. We texted – “PLEASE spread the word we NEED more participants, ESPECIALLY of the male variety.” And what do you know? Our prayers were once again answered. They came through with flying colors. 20+ students showed up, including the male variety! That might seem like small potatoes by BYU numbers, but it was BIG to two small Idaho potatoes.
SO thanks to the power of prayer and modern technology the class got off to a great start! Because we knew it really wasn’t because of us or anything we had done personally. So here’s to PRAYER & TWITTER POWER! And lest you think us strange, did you know more and more general authorities have FACEBOOK pages? A new day is dawning! AND we have a special surprise for our daughter Katie when she arrives next week for a visit, but SHHHH, don’t tell her – it will just be our little secret, okay? (Yah, we know Katie actually gets this email too. We just want to see if she really reads them, since we may NOT have received a letter from her for a while! Hint, Hint. What is up with these college students thinking they have a life full of school, work and some play, beyond writing their missionary parents?)
Soooo, just how did we get two students to encourage 20 others to join us?
Well, we may have offered something like a free boat-ride to them:

No, not on that ship you silly! But we did see that beautiful sailing ship last P-day.
Because last P-day, we boarded a Washington State Ferry and went and visited the San Juan Islands.

Actually, our good friends, Brad & Karen Beagles & family had invited us and also made arrangements to meet us at Friday Harbor.
They met us and were gracious enough to give us a boat ride on the boat named “Amazing Grace” for our P-day. We thought the boat’s name was very appropriate for a missionary couple to ride, don’t you think?

Anyway, Captain Brad did a great job of maneuvering the boat out of port and we sailed from Friday’s Harbor to “Jones” island. Jones Island is very small. The entire island is actually a state park. It is only accessible by private boat:

And just had some good ole’ fashion fun:
And saw some wildlife:

And went to church (just kidding, but it is a “cute” little church isn’t it?):

BONUS: I didn’t even get Sea-sick! That is a FIRST for me!
The Beagles even arranged for a cab to pick us up and take us back to reality (back to using public transit via the Washington State Ferry):

Well, that of course was fun and wonderful. Thank you Beagles!
But it is also great to have at least some of the students back for another term. And “no” we didn’t actually offer to take them on a boat ride.
We also kicked off our Tuesday class with our West Seattle students by having an opening Social at Alki Beach. We had a fun pizza party right on the beach and found this, , , well, plank, , , and the picture best explains that:

Once again, yah, we know, it’s a tough mission. But somebody has just gotta have some fun with these kids.
And though we try our hardest to act like the “Seniors”, at least ONE of us just might get a little carried away. Which one of us? You will just have to guess now won’t ya?
Well, Thanks again so much for all your prayers and support.
Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny” Thornton
P.S. Of course our thoughts and prayers go out to the Benson family. We hope Travis’ recovery continues to go well. Thank you so much to everyone back home who keep us informed.
And a sneak peek for next week email: