As much as Seattletonians (Seattle+Washington=Seattletonians) are NOT into umbrellas (refer to former email on identifying tourists), Seattletonians have just the opposite point of view when it comes to rain boots.

We are not sure if it is just fall, but the rainbow boot parade of fashion has arrived.
All around campus, both young and old alike are sporting their latest finds in galosh wear.
Do you think the missionary white manual covers rain boots? Sure it talks about wearing sensible, somewhat frumpy, everyday footwear. But do you think it prohibits sister missionaries from buying say a pair of bright pink polka-dotted rain boots? Okay, okay, if pink is too bright, they do have other cute colors and styles. All they really need to do is match the fall colors around Seattle. And as you can see, the colors are getting to be absolutely vibrant:

And just in time for general conference!
Speaking of conference, here is a tip for anyone who wants to make a lot of “brownie” points with their parents:
When you are listening to conference and the speaker says something about “parents,” “family,” “love at home,” pull out your cell phone. Text your parents with some cute & quick saying like, “I love you guys!” Make sure your timing is right when the speaker is talking about those things.
That is one sure way to make any parent who is watching conference instantly warm and fuzzy for a lot of reasons.
Why so? Well, it tells your parents:
1. You are not napping and you are actually listening to conference,
2. You are thinking and putting the words of the apostles into action, and
3. You are somewhere the spirit and you are supposed to be.
Of course, we weren’t smart enough to do that for our parents. But then again, they aren’t quite up on the “texting” thing (of course, maybe they are and we are the last to know.)
But our daughter, Katie, did exactly that to us. She did it during Elder Bednar’s talk during Saturday’s morning session. And let’s just say it sure did make our day to know she was where she was supposed to be and to know she was thinking about us. Way to go Kate! We love ya! We are sure your brothers would follow your example, but, even if they are fortunate to be listening to conference “live”, they can’t text – at least we hope.
As for us, we are sure glad conference came when it did. We needed a break, even if it is only the opening week. We knew this “Opening” week of Institute was going to be busy, but WOW! We now realize we are “senior” missionaries. This past week has been a blur of classes, shopping, baking, tours and socials. By Friday we were running out of steam. Fortunately, Brad & Karen Beagles came into town. We put them right to work. Once again, looking back, we are not quite sure how Friday would have really happened without their extra help. So thank heaven for angels on both sides of the veil!
Well, it is great to be back in the saddle for one last term!
Thank you all for your support and prayers.
Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny” Thornton