Greetings from the GREAT Northwest!
Not that every week is like this one, but this has been one of those weeks we could write a book on all the happenchance meetings we’ve had. How exactly did Mormon condense all those plates down to a “small plate” version? Well, here goes pressing this week down into a “small email” version:
Last Sunday we went to 5 young adult ward sacrament meetings to be introduced as the “new” institute missionary couple in order to get to know more of the wonderful single adults and invite them to join us at institute. As we went to the last of these meetings, that particular Bishop received a blast from the past. As Sister Thornton introduced herself you should have seen the look of surprise on Bishop “Spaulding’s” face to see “Little Jenny Furness,” his 1st cousin, whom he had not seen for 20+ years! It was a wonderful happenchance reunion.
Later that night was a fireside featuring Sister Julie Beck. Before the meeting commenced, once again, as the “new” missionaries were meeting and being introduced to people towards the back part of the chapel. In the middle of it all, a sister quietly joined our group and commenced talking to Elder Thornton. Suddenly a thought occurred to Mike, “This sister who keeps conversing with me sure looks a lot like Julie Beck – hey, wait a minute – this is Sister Beck.” Now, at times like this, all that came to Mike’s mind was a French term Jenny has been trying to teach him when he finds himself in such predicaments. The term is simply “Pardonnez-moi, je suis bête.” - English translation: “Forgive me, I am stupid.” Fortunately, Mike thought the better part of valor was to refrain from showing off his new French term. Sister Beck (along with her “tall” sports-loving husband) then gave a wonderful fireside presentation. Once again it was a wonderful happenchance meeting.
Although we had been at Seattle Institute for over ten days, we actually had yet to meet with our Mission President and his good wife. It just so happened that they were giving a “senior” missionary dinner this last week on Wednesday. As a result, they called us to see if our schedule would permit us joining them for dinner. We were delighted, so on Wednesday, the “newest” senior missionaries went to the mission home and met President & Sister Moffat. What a wonderful gracious couple they are. We also met the other “senior” missionaries and just loved finding out all about their assignments they are carrying forth. Being able to meet all the “senior” missionaries this early in our mission in one place was again just a wonderful happenchance meeting.
As we gathered to eat, all the other “senior” couples seemed to know each other. Consequently, the other “senior” couples began drifting into chairs next to couples they knew. Being the “newest,” we were just happy to watch and wait to see which two chairs would be left. As we watched, it was kind of like watching a game of musical chairs in slow motion (remember, these are “senior” couples.) At the end of this fast-pace game, two remaining chairs finally opened up. However, they were NOT the two chairs we had expected. Rather, the two left were right next to Elder & Sister Coleman of the 1st quorum of the seventies. We took our seats and tried not to act too scared.
As it turned out, Elder & Sister Coleman were very, very nice. But it was a bit tricky for Jenny. You see Sister Moffat had prepared a WONDERFUL meal featuring Northwest Pacific Salmon seasoned with a marvelous mustard rub. Jenny loves salmon. However, Mike, let’s just say, is NOT a huge fan of mustard. And salmon – it’s not exactly on Mike’s top 1,000 things to eat. So Jenny found it quite difficult not to be beaming too “big” of a smile each time Mike would take a bite of mustard-smothered salmon, slowly chew, swallow and force a “natural” smile - Then try to stay focused enough to make small talk with Elder Coleman. Jenny admitted later, what made it even more difficult, was the fact Mike was probably given the BIGGEST piece of salmon ever to eat. However, after dinner, Elder Coleman gave a “mini” fireside and bore his testimony. What a powerful testimony Elder Coleman has. Again, what a wonderful happenchance of a meeting.
As wonderful and fun as the above happenchances were, we have saved the best for last. On Tuesday, a well-dressed young man came into the institute building just about closing time and asked to use a phone. Mike said “sure” and let him use his cell phone. The young man had apparently missed his connection and was trying to call and find out where to hook up with his ride home. He made the call and said “thank you” and headed to go outside. Without much thought, Mike simply replied, “you’re certainly welcome, AND you know you can drop by this building anytime.”
Wednesday came and went as described above with the dinner at President Moffats. Thursday rolled around and just as we finished teaching our morning Book of Mormon class, the well-dressed young man came strolling back into the Institute. Mike invited him to come on in and sit down in the lounge area. He did and said, “He wasn’t sure why, but he just felt impressed to take Mike up on ‘dropping on by.’” Of course, we were glad he did. As we talked, he asked us what this building was for? Mike explained what the “Institute” building was. Mike then asked him what his name was and what he did for a living and such. “Chris” said he was working two jobs and going to school part-time. One of his jobs was a part-time guide for the Paramount Theatre [a very nice, historic theatre in Seattle - We haven’t actually been there yet, but here are some pictures we found of it.]
Outside view of the “Paramount”
Not that every week is like this one, but this has been one of those weeks we could write a book on all the happenchance meetings we’ve had. How exactly did Mormon condense all those plates down to a “small plate” version? Well, here goes pressing this week down into a “small email” version:
Last Sunday we went to 5 young adult ward sacrament meetings to be introduced as the “new” institute missionary couple in order to get to know more of the wonderful single adults and invite them to join us at institute. As we went to the last of these meetings, that particular Bishop received a blast from the past. As Sister Thornton introduced herself you should have seen the look of surprise on Bishop “Spaulding’s” face to see “Little Jenny Furness,” his 1st cousin, whom he had not seen for 20+ years! It was a wonderful happenchance reunion.
Later that night was a fireside featuring Sister Julie Beck. Before the meeting commenced, once again, as the “new” missionaries were meeting and being introduced to people towards the back part of the chapel. In the middle of it all, a sister quietly joined our group and commenced talking to Elder Thornton. Suddenly a thought occurred to Mike, “This sister who keeps conversing with me sure looks a lot like Julie Beck – hey, wait a minute – this is Sister Beck.” Now, at times like this, all that came to Mike’s mind was a French term Jenny has been trying to teach him when he finds himself in such predicaments. The term is simply “Pardonnez-moi, je suis bête.” - English translation: “Forgive me, I am stupid.” Fortunately, Mike thought the better part of valor was to refrain from showing off his new French term. Sister Beck (along with her “tall” sports-loving husband) then gave a wonderful fireside presentation. Once again it was a wonderful happenchance meeting.
Although we had been at Seattle Institute for over ten days, we actually had yet to meet with our Mission President and his good wife. It just so happened that they were giving a “senior” missionary dinner this last week on Wednesday. As a result, they called us to see if our schedule would permit us joining them for dinner. We were delighted, so on Wednesday, the “newest” senior missionaries went to the mission home and met President & Sister Moffat. What a wonderful gracious couple they are. We also met the other “senior” missionaries and just loved finding out all about their assignments they are carrying forth. Being able to meet all the “senior” missionaries this early in our mission in one place was again just a wonderful happenchance meeting.
As we gathered to eat, all the other “senior” couples seemed to know each other. Consequently, the other “senior” couples began drifting into chairs next to couples they knew. Being the “newest,” we were just happy to watch and wait to see which two chairs would be left. As we watched, it was kind of like watching a game of musical chairs in slow motion (remember, these are “senior” couples.) At the end of this fast-pace game, two remaining chairs finally opened up. However, they were NOT the two chairs we had expected. Rather, the two left were right next to Elder & Sister Coleman of the 1st quorum of the seventies. We took our seats and tried not to act too scared.
As it turned out, Elder & Sister Coleman were very, very nice. But it was a bit tricky for Jenny. You see Sister Moffat had prepared a WONDERFUL meal featuring Northwest Pacific Salmon seasoned with a marvelous mustard rub. Jenny loves salmon. However, Mike, let’s just say, is NOT a huge fan of mustard. And salmon – it’s not exactly on Mike’s top 1,000 things to eat. So Jenny found it quite difficult not to be beaming too “big” of a smile each time Mike would take a bite of mustard-smothered salmon, slowly chew, swallow and force a “natural” smile - Then try to stay focused enough to make small talk with Elder Coleman. Jenny admitted later, what made it even more difficult, was the fact Mike was probably given the BIGGEST piece of salmon ever to eat. However, after dinner, Elder Coleman gave a “mini” fireside and bore his testimony. What a powerful testimony Elder Coleman has. Again, what a wonderful happenchance of a meeting.
As wonderful and fun as the above happenchances were, we have saved the best for last. On Tuesday, a well-dressed young man came into the institute building just about closing time and asked to use a phone. Mike said “sure” and let him use his cell phone. The young man had apparently missed his connection and was trying to call and find out where to hook up with his ride home. He made the call and said “thank you” and headed to go outside. Without much thought, Mike simply replied, “you’re certainly welcome, AND you know you can drop by this building anytime.”
Wednesday came and went as described above with the dinner at President Moffats. Thursday rolled around and just as we finished teaching our morning Book of Mormon class, the well-dressed young man came strolling back into the Institute. Mike invited him to come on in and sit down in the lounge area. He did and said, “He wasn’t sure why, but he just felt impressed to take Mike up on ‘dropping on by.’” Of course, we were glad he did. As we talked, he asked us what this building was for? Mike explained what the “Institute” building was. Mike then asked him what his name was and what he did for a living and such. “Chris” said he was working two jobs and going to school part-time. One of his jobs was a part-time guide for the Paramount Theatre [a very nice, historic theatre in Seattle - We haven’t actually been there yet, but here are some pictures we found of it.]
Outside view of the “Paramount”

Inside view of the “Paramount”

Anyway, as “Chris” and Mike talked further about the Institute and our Church, Chris opened up to Mike. He said that actually he has recently been looking and petitioning God to find some direction in his life. He had looked into Scientology, but it seemed “weird.” [And considering what he told Mike about his “Scientology” experience, we don’t blame him.] Anyway, as they conversed, we discovered he actually had heard a little about the Book of Mormon and our claim that Christ had visited the Americas. He commented that something felt “right” about Christ visiting the Americas. Anyway, just as we were finishing up our discussion, two “young” missionaries came into the Institute [the “younger” Elders come and use the Institute as a place to meet and teach investigators.] Mike introduced “Chris” to them. They promptly scheduled a time to meet with “Chris” to teach him more about the Book of Mormon and our beliefs and gave Chris a Book of Mormon and marked the chapters in 3 Nephi for him to read where Christ came to the Nephites.
Of course, meeting Chris was marvelous. We felt in a small way, our meeting Chris has been an answer to one of our own petitions. You see, we love our calling at the Institute, but, it has not left us anytime [yet] to actually go out and proselyte. We miss that. So since we haven’t been able to go out [yet], we simply have been petitioning in our prayers to simply have someone come to us. And what do you know? Both Chris and our petitions were answered. A kind and loving Heavenly Father brought two petitions together in a way only He could do. Meeting Chris the way we did was indeed a wonderful divine happenchance of a meeting.
Does God answer the petitions of his missionaries? Absolutely. Even if “Chris” had never come through our door, all the “happenchance” meetings we have enjoyed this week show how mindful He is of two little “senior” missionaries from Provo. This we know. And just as importantly, we know He is just as mindful of you! He knows the righteous intentions of our hearts.
We truly love His Gospel and these wonderful young Seattle adults we are called to serve.
Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny” Thornton
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