Last week, we skipped sending out our weekly email and just LOOK what you missed:
First, we teach a class on Mondays/Wednesdays at Edmonds Community College. We just happened to be teaching in 3 Nephi during that week. In particular we covered verses in chapter 8 like; “And behold, the rocks were rent in twain; they were broken up upon the face of the whole earth, insomuch that they were found in broken fragments, and in seams and in cracks, upon all the face of the land.”
One might say our lesson was a bit TOO powerful - perhaps, just a tad over the top. Why? Because the very next day, the Edmonds area was hit with an earthquake. As you can imagine, once we were released from the hospital, we were very busy just cleaning up the mess. As a result, we really didn’t have any time to write the weekly email.
So that MIGHT be a little bit of an overstatement. We haven’t personally met anyone who really felt the earthquake (it was only a 4.2 magnitude.) Also, we know our lesson had nothing to do with it. But that is the best excuse we could come up with for not writing. And since NOBODY emailed us to say, “HEY? What happened to last week’s exciting senior missionary installment?” OR “Gee, I wonder if Elder & Sister Thornton are all right?” We realize you might have other things going on in your life, things more important than worrying about an Edmonds earthquake. You really need not worry. We are still here serving as full-time missionaries. How exactly did the Apostle Paul put it? Something about “Bereft” being his middle name? (Trivia fact: Did you know Jenny doesn’t really have a middle name?)
Okay, so the earthquake’s only impact was to reinforce what we were discussing with our students that week – but that was great in and of itself.
And that would have been about that for the week - except, for one other interesting thing. Which might not be that interesting to those living in snowbound Utah or Idaho. But on our first day in Seattle, we were told several times, “Oh, it NEVER snows in Seattle, , ,”
First, we teach a class on Mondays/Wednesdays at Edmonds Community College. We just happened to be teaching in 3 Nephi during that week. In particular we covered verses in chapter 8 like; “And behold, the rocks were rent in twain; they were broken up upon the face of the whole earth, insomuch that they were found in broken fragments, and in seams and in cracks, upon all the face of the land.”
One might say our lesson was a bit TOO powerful - perhaps, just a tad over the top. Why? Because the very next day, the Edmonds area was hit with an earthquake. As you can imagine, once we were released from the hospital, we were very busy just cleaning up the mess. As a result, we really didn’t have any time to write the weekly email.
So that MIGHT be a little bit of an overstatement. We haven’t personally met anyone who really felt the earthquake (it was only a 4.2 magnitude.) Also, we know our lesson had nothing to do with it. But that is the best excuse we could come up with for not writing. And since NOBODY emailed us to say, “HEY? What happened to last week’s exciting senior missionary installment?” OR “Gee, I wonder if Elder & Sister Thornton are all right?” We realize you might have other things going on in your life, things more important than worrying about an Edmonds earthquake. You really need not worry. We are still here serving as full-time missionaries. How exactly did the Apostle Paul put it? Something about “Bereft” being his middle name? (Trivia fact: Did you know Jenny doesn’t really have a middle name?)
Okay, so the earthquake’s only impact was to reinforce what we were discussing with our students that week – but that was great in and of itself.
And that would have been about that for the week - except, for one other interesting thing. Which might not be that interesting to those living in snowbound Utah or Idaho. But on our first day in Seattle, we were told several times, “Oh, it NEVER snows in Seattle, , ,”

Now, we know what you are thinking – looking at this picture – What a crazy, huge amount of snow, huh? Okay, this might not qualify even as snowflake (plural) in Utah or Idaho, but here in SEATTLE, this much snow in February cripples the entire city. And this was after it already snowed in January - twice. However, since we have yet to teach ANY lessons related to snow, we feel pretty confident they can’t blame us for it. We should be able to finish this week’s email without further delay.
Actually, we could have finished last week’s email, yet for another kerfuffle. Earthquakes, snow storms, all this we took in stride, but the next surprise surpassed both the tremors and the snowdrifts combined.
On Thursday, as normal, we drove to the Institute and went downstairs to teach our morning BoM class. Earlier that morning, just as we were leaving our apartment, Mike casually remarked to Jenny, “Aren’t you excited for today?” Jenny responded, “What? It’s Thursday, I guess I’m excited because its – Thursday?” To which Mike responded, “Now you got it. It’s Thursday, the most exciting day of the week! In fact, it is so exciting, I am going to take the camera with us to Institute today to catch all the Thursday excitement!”
Now, such comments might seem a bit peculiar to the casual email reader. But, remember, Jenny has been married to Mike for well over 20 years, so she just responded, “Okay then. Thursday, it is!” And off they went.
Meanwhile, back at the Institute, our morning class just finished. Both students and instructors head for the exits. Since our class in held downstairs, we made our way back to climb the steps up to the student-lounge area. Jenny (of course) beats Mike to the top of the stairs. At the top, she finds the study-lounge filled to the brim with both students and Institute faculty alike. Jenny thinks to herself, “Am I being overly paranoid? Why does it seem like everyone is staring at me? Everyone, that is EXCEPT that one student sitting in a chair with her back to me. WAIT A MINUTE, [as the student stands and twirls quickly around so Jenny meets her face to face] Its MY KATIE!!!! Its MY KATIE!!!”
We think those lines are still echoing around somewhere in space. Anyway,
Click, goes Mike’s camera and there it is:

Actually, Katie and Elder Thornton, had been in cahoots for sometime planning this little surprise for Sister Thornton. You see, as many of you know, Elder & Sister Thornton left for the MTC only 9 days after Katie got home from Spain. As a result, Sister Thornton has been just a tiny-bit anxious about their little Hermana. So Katie’s arrival for a 5-day visit was just what the doctor ordered – (Just one of the many benefits of serving as a “Senior” couple – you can have visitors from time to time!) And since we had a long President-day weekend ahead of us, we got permission to take an extra day off – for good behavior of course – (we hadn’t started an earthquake or snowstorm in at least a few days or so.)
Of course, the first thing we did, was put Katie to work at our weekly Friday Feast:

And lucky we were to have her. You see, we had to prepare a “Valentines” day feast and then get everything taken down and put away in time for us to go and help out at the Tri-stake “Sweetmeet” that very evening.
What’s a Sweetmeet you ask? Well, it is where all the single “guys” build a dessert. The desserts are then auctioned off to the girls. The girls “buy” the desserts with Institute “cash” they earn by going to Institute things. The catch - the girls don’t know which guy made which dessert. It was actually quite interesting (and a little intense – since Jenny & Mike were supposed to judge the desserts.) Below are just some of the interesting desserts:

Can you see the “bird-cage” dessert with two marshmallow peep “lovebirds” on the middle perch? Quite ingenious, eh?
We were proud of Katie. Fresh off the mission, we weren’t sure she would be to willing to participate. However, she did, and she got to know a few of these great Institute-age, young-adults in the Seattle area.
The next day, we went and took in a Temple session:

Afterwards, we took a little time to take in the “Pikes Market” waterfront:

And to go see a few boats raised in the locks:

See how the boats are down about 15 feet, then they raise, up, up up.
And of course, what is Seattle without a few overcast skies?

Or how about a ferry boat ride to picturesque Port Townsend?

Or a lighthouse or two?

And a few Port Townsend “Victorian” houses to dream about:

Lest we forget, on the Sunday before Katie left (on a Tuesday), we took it “easy” on Katie. We only went to “two” university wards. At the first ward of the day, it was ward conference. The ward Bishop - Bishop Dale Jenkins - was one of the speakers. He spoke of days gone by and how he grew up in Ucon, Idaho. His dad had been Bishop there. He recalled how the old Ucon church had a pot-belly stove and how he used to stoke it in the winter-time and watch the mice run in and out of the wood pile next to the stove. He recalled how excited they were when it was announced they were going to get to build a new church in Ucon. He then mentioned he remembered a man by the name of Lloy Prater. Lloy owned a local lumber yard. He said Lloy provided the materials to build the church in Ucon at a very low price – He suspected even at a zero profit price. He thought this was remarkable since Lloy wasn’t even a member. He then mentioned this good man, Lloy Prater, was in fact the great-grandpa of Katie Thornton and the grandpa to Elder Thornton. Well, of course, that got us a little choked up.
After taking President’s day off, it was a SHORT week to get everything done. But as they say, time waits for no man. Classes came and went. Once again, we found ourselves trying to prepare another Friday Friendship Feast. What had we promised this week? Oh that’s right, it was “Africa” week and we had promised 200 shiskabobs, 100 twice-baked potatoes (we didn’t have any squash), 100 “Zulu” desserts (don’t ask – we were making it up as we went.)
Of course to set the right “ambiance” we combined a slide show out of young Elder Thornton’s Tanzania pictures and Elder & Sister Wells’ Africa pictures (the ones, the Wells had provided for our Provo High Priest party, so that part was easy.) But just how were 2 missionaries going to grill 200 kabobs and do all the dessert plating AND baking AND have it all done in time? Well, we hadn’t thought that out.
Fortunately for us, even though our memories were short, Thursday night it dawned on us we were going to be blessed with another set of visitors. Over a month ago, Brother Fowler, our area director (over the Washington, Alaska, etc. areas), had gone down south to Bonnie Lake, Washington to teach at a workshop for that stake. In that stake, we just happened to have some wonderful friends from our ole’ college days. They are Ken & Carol Milburn. Carol has taught seminary for many years. As luck would have it, Carol just happened to give a workshop at that same stake meeting Brother Fowler attended. He saw her workshop and he loved her teaching (no surprise to us.) They conversed afterwards and both found out they, of course, had common ties - Elder & Sister Thornton. Brother Fowler then “invited” the Milburns to come see us - Which they did.
Unfortunately for them (LUCKY for us), Brother Fowler had invited them to come this past “Friday.” They came. We put them right to work:

Brother Fowler couldn’t believe we would treat our friends like that – LOL! But we fully know – What goes around – Comes around! So we are prepared to return the favor.
We just hope the Milburns get called to Hawaii on a mission and we will GLADLY go help them for a Friday or two!
Well, it has been another GREAT week!!!!
Hey, maybe no one will notice if we take another 2 weeks off before we write again.
We hope all is well in Zion.
Elder Mike & Sister Jenny
P.S. Institute teacher, Brother White, gives a Shout-out to his former student Melissa Elmer!
P.S.S. Carol Turley and her roommates were Ingenious in their bidding at the SweetMeet!
Hey, maybe no one will notice if we take another 2 weeks off before we write again.
We hope all is well in Zion.
Elder Mike & Sister Jenny
P.S. Institute teacher, Brother White, gives a Shout-out to his former student Melissa Elmer!
P.S.S. Carol Turley and her roommates were Ingenious in their bidding at the SweetMeet!
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