Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bible Bumps? Wholly Frijoles!

We are celebrating the taco this week at Institute.

That is really the only reason we can think of why we included this old family photo of us in Mexico:

Big Shout Out to Willow Larson for her recipe on “Fried Ice Cream!” Thanks Willow!

Onto a different subject, a recent event that has given us reason to ponder our missionary experience in the following way:

Even though your spirit may be strong and willing, is there a point when the flesh starts to weaken – even to revolt when you are on a mission?

Apparently so, because we think Mike’s body tried to stage a coup.

We aren’t sure the exact date, but somewhere about the time we made it to Seattle, we noticed a small lump on Mike’s left wrist. Over the past few months, the lump increased in size.

What such a lump does to your otherwise rational thought processes and spiritual well-being is probably as unique as the individual. So you probably can’t guess what such a lump caused Mike to ponder – or maybe you can.

Mike’s thought process went something like this, “Hey, we are on a mission. I don’t have time to be bothered with this. If it gets too bad, they can just take my hand off at the wrist and fit me with a hook, right?”

This of course, led to even BETTER reasoning as he exclaimed, “Hey, maybe they can fit me with an eye patch too and I can go around saying great one-liners like –
‘ARRGH!!! You’d best be read’in me book about Capt’n Moroni or you’ll be tast’in the broadside of me sword!’”

Which caused Jenny to ponder and exclaim,
“WRONG!!! You are SO wrong. I will NOT be first-mate to any Elder Pirate! This mate will lead a mutiny if you don’t go to the doctor and get that thing checked out!”

To which Mike responded, “All right, but only if you can tell me what has 8 legs and 8 eyes?”

After an all too brief of a pause, he then blurts out, “8 Pirates! I guess I don’t have to go today do I?”

This goes on and on for a couple of months, until finally Jenny overpowered Mike and takes him to the doctor – peg arm and all.

Just how does a 5’2” Sister missionary overpower a 6’2” Elder? Answer: Fairly easily. That is why we are still happily married after 24 years!

So, after THREE hours in the doctor’s office, the doctor sallied forth into the room, takes one look at Mike’s wrist and says, “Yep, I know exactly what that is. You have (drum roll please) a ganglion cyst!”

Pausing for even more dramatic effect, he then blurts out, “You have a Bible Bump man!”

The doctor then explained, “Overtime they can swell up and can grow quite large.”

Mike responds, “That doesn’t sound so bad, UGLY perhaps, but not so bad. Can I get a hook?”

The doctor, not sure what to do with that information continued, “The reason it’s called a Bible bump, is because in the ‘old days’ doctors tried to cure the bump by smacking it with something hard like a Bible.”

Mike then responded, “Hey, we’re missionaries. We just happen to have a Bible if you don’t. How much would you charge me to take a smack at it? If it is too much, we are on a budget, and I’ll just take smack it myself.”

The doctor’s eyebrows then start doing funny things as he responds, “I wouldn’t advise doing that. The smack method only works about 50% of the time and if you hit too hard, you could break your wrist or do some other damage. I would simply advise you to leave it alone until you get home and see your family physician in Utah. They usually correct it by surgery nowadays.”

At this point, a voice of reason in the corner of the room echoes out as Jenny rises to her feet and calmly says, “Thank you doctor. We will certainly take your advice.”

Well, believe it or not, Mike lasted over TWO weeks before – you guessed it – WHACK! And believe it or not, it’s gone! No broken wrist, no hook, nothing! (For the brave, if you want more info on Bible bumps, just Wikipedia “bible bump,” and you will get to see pictures of what we are talking about – but we warn you – it’s not for the squeamish, non-pirate type.)

On to more important things, as for this week, we have a double-double. That is basketball lingo for doing two HUGE tasks at the same time. Like John Stockton getting double-digit assists and scoring in double-digits all in one game – a Double – Double. Okay, maybe we did sit through too many of our kids’ games – 600+ we figure collectively. (Speaking of basketball, Provo is on the edge of turning their back-to-back state titles today into a three-peat as they once again are privileged to make it to the big dance – This time against WEST. Thanks to everyone for the updates! Go Dawgs!!)

So, the double-double for us is this: After teaching our normal teaching load and then coming to the end of the week and preparing the normal Friday feast (viva MEXICO!) For a second week, the Institute is having a “Meet & Greet.” This time with 100 high school juniors and seniors. Between workshops and a meal for 100+, we are wondering if we can get it all done. We are also going to a double baptism (Yeh!!) and also trying to squeek in a violin concert on campus, being performed by one of our favorite U-dub students. Lucky it is our P-day! Or we don’t think we would be able to pull it off. Our spirits are truly willing, but our flesh is weak. However, our faith remains strong that the Lord once again will somehow make us equal to the task.

In the words of Skippy Jon Jones, “Wholly Frijoles!”

Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny”

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