What is it about breaking out some fire and hot coals that seems to warm up the coldest of hearts?
Why does food roasted outdoors seem to draw out even the most ardent recluse? What is it about fire that compels us to come and share some human companionship?
Last Friday, we had a great treat. For one, we didn’t have to cook at the normal Friday Friendship Feast. Instead, we did what we do best, sit around and talk while one of the CES area secretary, Sister Butterfield, volunteered her husband and his friend to come to the Institute and do some real Dutch oven cooking.
Lucky us! And we think they even enjoyed it. Here are some pictures to prove it:

We had a few institute kids out that we hadn’t seen in a long time. What a good thing. And we had nothing to do, but to sit and enjoy visiting with them. It was a real treat all the way around.
Having them cook was doubly lucky for us. The next day was the Institute’s opening social for the new term - which kept us somewhat busy.
The opening social seemed to turn out just swell – well, sort of.
Okay, so the social was supposed to be somewhat serious and spiritual. And it did start out that way.
The stake president came and talked. The kids were fairly attentive:
Why does food roasted outdoors seem to draw out even the most ardent recluse? What is it about fire that compels us to come and share some human companionship?
Last Friday, we had a great treat. For one, we didn’t have to cook at the normal Friday Friendship Feast. Instead, we did what we do best, sit around and talk while one of the CES area secretary, Sister Butterfield, volunteered her husband and his friend to come to the Institute and do some real Dutch oven cooking.
Lucky us! And we think they even enjoyed it. Here are some pictures to prove it:

We had a few institute kids out that we hadn’t seen in a long time. What a good thing. And we had nothing to do, but to sit and enjoy visiting with them. It was a real treat all the way around.
Having them cook was doubly lucky for us. The next day was the Institute’s opening social for the new term - which kept us somewhat busy.
The opening social seemed to turn out just swell – well, sort of.
Okay, so the social was supposed to be somewhat serious and spiritual. And it did start out that way.
The stake president came and talked. The kids were fairly attentive:

One minute, a well-dressed young man can be standing between two beautiful young sisters and, well, one of them may just be holding a pie.
And, , ,

Well, it is a little hard to be serious when you have whip-cream up both nostrils:

(and it is also a little bit hard to breath.)
Of course, if you are new to feeding yourself and cannot quite locate your mouth, (partly because it is moving too much), this too can become a problem:
Of course, if you are new to feeding yourself and cannot quite locate your mouth, (partly because it is moving too much), this too can become a problem:

And they say youth is spoiled on the young!
Of course, we would never be involved with such things. Which might cause you to ponder, “Just what are the odds that Mike just happened to have his camera out at just the right moments to catch such shenanigans?” What luck huh?
Seriously, we ARE working REALLY, REALLY, hard! Do you know just how HARD it is to spell out names with raspberry syrup?

Well, for the rest of the week, we really did put our noses back on the grind stone. We even made an honest effort to take a little more time to prepare and teach all of our classes this week (3 Book of Mormon classes, 1 New Testament & 1 Living Prophets.)
It is amazing how much better you feel about your lessons when you take the time (or actually have the time) to prepare well.
Did we say lately how much we love all you, your wonderful comments and all you do for us and others?
Well, we really do! They do make a BIG difference when you are out here – Not everyday is a “whip-cream” filled day.
Speaking of preparing well, it is P-day eve. We have a little personal preparation to do, so tah, tah for now!
From the “serious” senior missionaries,
Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny” Thornton
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