“Hello! Is that you? Tell your dear Mom everything, anything, something!”
Just practicing, , ,
With over 50,000 missionaries out serving, can you just feel the LOVE of thousands of Moms awaiting their annual phone call?
So many questions, so few minutes.
Having been through a few of these phone calls, there is a real art to keeping oneself focused, on task and not drifting into imaginary, pre-conversations - all the week long - prior to the real call (And once we figure out how not to do that, we will let you know.)
How bad can it get? Well, lets just say when we went to the University wards’ stake conference this past week, we didn’t even notice we had parked a little too close to a fire hydrant AND when we came out of conference we found our car was gone. So, yah, it can get pretty bad. AND after paying the tow truck company $200 and the $80 parking ticket - that is our story and we are sticking to it.
We just hope our classes didn’t suffer too much because of our daydreaming. In our Book of Mormon classes this week we covered the 2nd book of Nephi. You know, the good ole writings of Isaiah. Thank heavens for Nephi’s and Jacob’s great commentary. It really does help, especially with our Mother’s day pre-occupation. It also makes one think – just how does the rest of the Christian world really understand Isaiah without the aid of the Book of Mormon? No wonder the Book of Mormon will be a key in the convincing of the tribe of Judah that the Messiah really has already come for the first time.
Can we also say it has also been hard to concentrate on the talks we have to give on, , , Mother’s day, , , – focus – focus – focus.
Ummh, what were we talking about? This must be what it is like to have A.D.D.
Seriously, we understand Richard & Sharon Jeppesen will be reporting on Sunday – we hope someone takes good notes and sends them to us – hint, hint.
Fortunately for us - now that Katie is out of the country, she has once again decided to blog.
Reading her blog seems to help us a little.
Also fortunately for us, we have had several extra-curricular activities to keep our minds in the present.
The first was “Seattle’s Got Talent.” This was a talent show put on by the three University wards. The young adults were actually very good (made us wonder, just what talents did we have in college?) Anyway, it was really a fun evening for everyone involved as these pictures indicate:
Just practicing, , ,
With over 50,000 missionaries out serving, can you just feel the LOVE of thousands of Moms awaiting their annual phone call?
So many questions, so few minutes.
Having been through a few of these phone calls, there is a real art to keeping oneself focused, on task and not drifting into imaginary, pre-conversations - all the week long - prior to the real call (And once we figure out how not to do that, we will let you know.)
How bad can it get? Well, lets just say when we went to the University wards’ stake conference this past week, we didn’t even notice we had parked a little too close to a fire hydrant AND when we came out of conference we found our car was gone. So, yah, it can get pretty bad. AND after paying the tow truck company $200 and the $80 parking ticket - that is our story and we are sticking to it.
We just hope our classes didn’t suffer too much because of our daydreaming. In our Book of Mormon classes this week we covered the 2nd book of Nephi. You know, the good ole writings of Isaiah. Thank heavens for Nephi’s and Jacob’s great commentary. It really does help, especially with our Mother’s day pre-occupation. It also makes one think – just how does the rest of the Christian world really understand Isaiah without the aid of the Book of Mormon? No wonder the Book of Mormon will be a key in the convincing of the tribe of Judah that the Messiah really has already come for the first time.
Can we also say it has also been hard to concentrate on the talks we have to give on, , , Mother’s day, , , – focus – focus – focus.
Ummh, what were we talking about? This must be what it is like to have A.D.D.
Seriously, we understand Richard & Sharon Jeppesen will be reporting on Sunday – we hope someone takes good notes and sends them to us – hint, hint.
Fortunately for us - now that Katie is out of the country, she has once again decided to blog.
Reading her blog seems to help us a little.
Also fortunately for us, we have had several extra-curricular activities to keep our minds in the present.
The first was “Seattle’s Got Talent.” This was a talent show put on by the three University wards. The young adults were actually very good (made us wonder, just what talents did we have in college?) Anyway, it was really a fun evening for everyone involved as these pictures indicate:

“Funny Man – Allen”

The winner for the night was “Jon, Sax – o – Man”:

We could go on and on, but we realize these pictures may not mean much without sound – so there you go.
Another great diversion this past week was an event involving one of our Institute kids.
“Rowing” a boat is really, really big deal here in Seattle. Hey, what else are you going to do with all this water?
They even give full-ride scholarships and everything if you are good enough to qualify for a college team – which is just what “Sam” (short for Samatha) did. Anyway, we try to go out and support any of our Institute kids when they have big events.
And around Seattle, there is hardly anything bigger than (drum roll, , ,)
Once a year, Seattle closes the University bridge for thousands of people to hang out and about on this biggest of all boating days.
Some come on little boats;
And they bring their dogs;
Some come on bigger boats:
Some wear those funny sailing hats and sailor suits;
Some commute in the strangest ways:
But, by land or by sea, they all come out;
To see these guys compete:
And compete they do:
Our “Sam” and her team swepted! (that means U-dub won it all!)
It was just a really fun day, with Sam’s parents (Sam’s dad is photo-ing) and friends;
Well, from the Rowing capital of the civilized world, we need to sign off so we have time to formulate our Mother’s day questions!
May your Mother’s day be as GREAT as it is in our minds!
(Don’t worry Grandma Sandy and Grandma Fern, your two little “Senior” missionaries have not forgotten your call.)
Elder “Mike” and Sister “Jenny” Thornton
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