Secondly, we were privileged to be invited to attend a Veteran's Day service that honored 16 Medal of Honor recipients. A couple of students in one of our Book of Mormon classes were participating.
Dane Stevenson is an Air Force ROTC cadet and was up front with the big wigs.
Ben Wilcox is going to BYUI this winter before heading out on his mission. He's on the right in the boy scout uniform carrying the flag.
All in all it was a lovely tribute to those who serve our country.
Seattle Institute of Religion's annual TURKEY BOWL was last weekend. The LDS student association rented the Husky stadium.
OK, granted they Husky's have artificial turf, but we're still flabbergasted that the university would allow 300+ kids come play under the big lights in their lovely stadium. It boggles the mind.
The kids love it and they come out in big numbers.
There were 32 teams.
One of our favorite teams was the all girls team, "The tutus". (They lost in two but weren't shut out!!)
There were three games going on at once playing the width of the field with the sidelines acting as goal lines.
Some sideline coaching going on.
Who would guess we would find an old neighbor at the Turkey Bowl? Some of you may remember Paul Barnes.
And that's a wrap.
From the missionaries assigned here at the University of Washington. (plus Sister Williams, the secretary here at the institute)
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