These past few weeks have been an absolute blur.
We can’t believe we are getting down to planning our last big Hoorah in less than a month. And with Mike, well, the “Big” part of the “Hoorah” has us hopping to get everything done in time! – More on that in an upcoming later email/blog.
Aaah, but it is P-day morn! Relax a little, then SCREEEEEEECH!!!!!!
With all the heavy smokers residing in a 100+ apartment building, we had wondered just how long it would be until somebody fell asleep with a lit & smoldering cigarette:However, we will just have to keep wondering because, (fortunately for us,) it was just a prankster who pulled the alarm.
But, that was not the end of our excitement for the week!
The Institute Council sponsored a “Wild Rumpus Dance” in celebration of the recently released movie of “Where the Wild Things Are?”
Anyway, we haven’t seen the movie, but supposedly it is based on a famous children’s story book - A book that apparently I never got around to reading to our kids. I know, I know, chalk up one more reason why my kids were grossly “deprived” and neglected as youngsters!
As you can see the evening was quite fun:
And some of the “things” were quite wild:

And the games were interesting:
And, the atmosphere was, well, , , just fun and “playful”
And, what is a social gathering of young, LDS kids and their friends without missionaries?
Speaking of which, we have a baptism to go to at 7:00pm and one last round of talks to prepare - hopefully.
So until next time, we hope your celebration of “Where the Wild Things Are” was on the fun, yet tame side of life!
And if you haven’t celebrated life lately, shame on you!
The gospel is the “Good News” so start acting the part.
It is never too late to get your “Wild Wumpus” on now is it?
From the U-dub Wumpus Room (just see if you can say that fast 10 times!)
Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny” Thornton
We can’t believe we are getting down to planning our last big Hoorah in less than a month. And with Mike, well, the “Big” part of the “Hoorah” has us hopping to get everything done in time! – More on that in an upcoming later email/blog.
Aaah, but it is P-day morn! Relax a little, then SCREEEEEEECH!!!!!!

But, that was not the end of our excitement for the week!
The Institute Council sponsored a “Wild Rumpus Dance” in celebration of the recently released movie of “Where the Wild Things Are?”
Anyway, we haven’t seen the movie, but supposedly it is based on a famous children’s story book - A book that apparently I never got around to reading to our kids. I know, I know, chalk up one more reason why my kids were grossly “deprived” and neglected as youngsters!
As you can see the evening was quite fun:

So until next time, we hope your celebration of “Where the Wild Things Are” was on the fun, yet tame side of life!
And if you haven’t celebrated life lately, shame on you!
The gospel is the “Good News” so start acting the part.
It is never too late to get your “Wild Wumpus” on now is it?
From the U-dub Wumpus Room (just see if you can say that fast 10 times!)
Elder “Mike” & Sister “Jenny” Thornton
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